Home > Dispute Policy

Dispute Policy

The product I received does not match the description. What can I do?

If you are not satisfied with the product you received, contact your seller to agree on a solution.
To contact the seller, click Contact Seller to send them a message. 

If that doesn’t help, you can apply for a refund by opening a dispute. Please make sure you do this before your Buyer Protection has ended. This is how you open a dispute:

Step 1: Sign into My Orders and locate your order
Step 2: Click Open Dispute
Step 3: Fill in your refund request and click Submit

  • Please make sure you open a dispute before your Buyer Protection has ended. 

If the seller agrees to your refund request, or doesn’t respond within 5 days, the refund will be processed. You can click Dispute in Progress or Dispute Finished on your order list to check the dispute status.